Kids activities, crafts, games, animals,
and interactive learning all day!
Localvore Luncheon and Live Music
10:00 – 12:00
Lunch is $10 a plate or $7 with a donation of pasta and sauce* to the Food Pantry
LOCAL Food Fairness MENU!
Blake’s Beef Burgers on Locally Made Buns
Blake’s Beef Burgers on Locally Made Buns
Grilled Local Veggies
Roasted Corn on the Cob,
Roasted Corn on the Cob,
New Potato and Green Bean Salad,
Barely Dressed Homegrown Tomato Salad
* Spaghetti and Marinara Sauce, Chef Boyardee, Mac and Cheese, etc – check the expiration dates!
Cooking Demos Free!
8:30 Potato and Green Bean Salad
9:00 Grilled Summer Veggies
9:20 Barely Dressed Homegrown Tomato Salad
9:40 Homemade Mayo
Homemade Pickles Workshop
11:00 – 11:30 ($5) at the Community Garden Table.
Sign up! Learn to cold pack local cukes with spices and brine.
Leave with your own handmade quart of homemade Kosher Dill pickles!